I am joey perry

I wonder what my future is going to be like

I hear my mom yelling at me

I see I have great friends

I want everything to be okay

I am joey perry

I pretend like everything is okay

I feel like punching something

I worry about everything

I cry only when I think im alone

I am joey perry

I understand no one is perfect

I say everything will be okay

I dream about you

I try to be the best I can

I hope everything will be okay

I am joey perry

Today in class as a class we planted tomato’s two different kinds a fox cherry, and a Brandywine. It was a fun experience I learned a lot about how they grow best and how to even plant I didn’t know how.. But now I do!  Im going to take mine home to my mom I think she would like it and its something little just to show her I care. In The scientific sense fruits are mature plant ovaries, but what we eat often includes adjacent or accessory parts of the mother plant.  

Kinetics: Is my learning style I am very hands on I like building touching and playing its how I learn best. 

Hi, my name is Joey Perry  I am 17 born Oct. 21, 1995 I race BMX, play sports, work on cars, hang out with my friends. I work at Ken Stewart's Tre Belle and in the summer i work for Don Hire services as a painter or Carpenter,  I am a junior at schnee learning center. When i graduate Ive thought about going into the military as a MP for 4 years so when I come out I can be a police officer and go to college for free.