Today in class while reading the book holes we went back in time a little back before kissing Kate Barrlows time. To the day she became kissing Kate barrolow. She was a school teacher who likes a black guy name same. She had the crazyest feelings for Sam. She loved him. And one day she kissed the black man and the whole town went crazy and killed Sam and his donky and then Kate became a outlaw and started killing everybody,
They were digging. The water truck came and magnet stole the bag of sunflower seeds from Mr. Sir. The boys were eating and tossing the bag back and forth having a jolly good time. Then Stanley dropped it and Mr. Sir. caught him with the seeds and is taking him to talk to the warden.. The warden was real mad Mr. Sir brought Stanley to her cabin for such a little stupid reason. She poisoned Mr. Sir. and send Stanley back to his hole. His hole was done and finished zero dug it for him. Then zero and Stanley agreed to make a deal. Stanley would help zero learn to read if zero helped him dig his holes everyday.
Stanley Yelnats is the main character he is a fat kid maybe 13 years old very bad luck!

Mr. Sir is a older scary looking guy with a rattle snake tat, bag of sunflower seeds and a cow boy hat and a gun

Mr. Pendabsky has a sunburnt nose; he’s a councilor to camp green lake

Stanley has had some bad luck got in trouble and arrested and now serving time at camp green lake Juvenal detention where he digs holes every day. It is very hot and not a fun place to be! 


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    May 2013

